
We hope that both you and your child will enjoy your time with us. Starting nursery is a milestone for both child and parent and we will try to make the transition as smooth as possible. All our policies and procedures are based in the nursery reception areas, please take some time to have a look at them. Staff are available to answer any questions you might have.
In order to ease the settling-in process you are very welcome to visit the nursery with your child in advance of the starting date. Please phone the nursery direct to arrange this.
When your child starts nursery you will need to provide the following items:
1. A change of clothing. Please make sure that they are clearly marked with your childs name. Please be sure to bring extra clothing if your child is toilet training.
2. If your child has a bottle, clearly marked.
3. A pack of nappies or pull-ups if your child is not yet toilet trained.
The following guidelines have been established for the benefit of the nursery community as a whole(i.e children,parents and staff). We would be grateful if you could read them carefully.
We offer three alternative sessions (full time,part-time and half days). Please make sure that you choose the appropriate sessions for your child and that you will be able to collect your child promptly. This is particularly important at the end of the day. The nursery closes at 6.00p.m.
You are always welcome to discuss how your child is getting on and to talk about any concerns you might have; please arrange a specific time with your childs keyworker if you need more than a chat. If you have the time to take part in nursery activities, either regularly or on an odd occasion (e.g.reading a story ,cooking with a small group. Supervising an art/craft project), we would be happy to include you. Parent evenings are organised once or twice a year, when we combine a social get-together with a chance for parents to talk to staff about their children’s progress.
Unfortunately we do not the facilities to care for children who are unwell. We realise that this is a problem for working parents, but in the interests of the nursery as a whole (both children and staff)we cannot be flexible on this issue. If your child has a bad cough/cold, is running a temperature, has recently been prescribed a course of antibiotics or is suffering from any infection/contagious condition, please do not bring him/her to nursery. In cases of illness arising during the day, the staff will contact you and ask you to collect your child. If you change your daytime telephone number it is important to inform the nursery supervisor. (NB: see section on “fees” regarding payment when your child is ill.)
Staff are not allowed to anminister medicine to children at the nursery. In special cases, however (e.g, asthma) they can be authorised to administer prescribed treatment. You will be asked to sign a medical consent form in such cases.
4. TOYS:
Your child has a favourite “comfort toy” then he/she is welcome to bring it along to the nursery, particularly during the settling-in period. Once children are settled they have access to a wide range of nursery toys and equipment; learning to share is an important aspect of education in the early years. For this reason we prefer children to leave their own, special toys at home. Items which are brought into nursery despite this advice are kept in children’s individual draws but we cannot be responsible for loss or breakage. For the same reason, please do not give your child sweets or money to bring to the nursery.
Your child will be taking part in many different activities during the day. Some of these will be messy (e.g. painting water and sand play, glueing and sticking). Although protective aprons are provided we strongly advise you to dress your child in hard-wearing, washable clothes and non-slip shoes (plimsolls or trainers) for outdoor play. Again, the staff cannot be responsible for damage to expensive,designer outfits or jewellery. The nursery does have a uniform, this is optional please inform the manager if you would like to order uniform. A full change of clothing should be kept
permanently at the nursery.