
Health & Safety
The nursery has a Health and Safety Policy which covers specific areas of safety. Fire Safety, First Aid, Food Hygiene, Medicine and general Safety which is as followed by all the staff.
Risk Assessments are carried out regularly of the nursery, to ensure a safe and secure environment for the children.
Child Protection
All staff has knowledge of child protection and is vigilant in this area. We have a child protection policy which ensures that correct measures are in place, to safe guard the children in our care.
CCTV Security
We know that when you entrust your child to our care, it is our duty to look after them as well as you would. We’ve taken every measure to ensure your child is safe during their time at nursery.
Each Class room is Installed with CCTV were management can view all rooms from the Office.
CCTV is also installed outside in our Garden.
The front door is personally open by staff. Any one not known to Nursery will be asked to wait outside until the Manager comes to the door.
All visitors are asked to sign in and out.
You can only enter the main nursery with a code , which is given to all Parents when they start.